Document management software

Document management software

DMS consulting

We set up our in-house DMS development department in 2003 to provide enterprise document management software and related services. Since then, we have been helping businesses analyze their document-centric processes and transform them into digital workflows hosted within a centralized DMS. We work with over 160 document formats thus covering multiple needs of companies across all industries.

DMS architecture design
DMS architecture design

Our business analysts map out current document workflows, both paper-based and digital. After that, our experts visualize the prospective DMS logic and its architecture.

DMS implementation
DMS implementation

Our team develops document management solutions that automate internal and external document workflows, as well as provide toolsets for document collaboration.

DMS integration
DMS integration

To set up uninterrupted document flows, we connect our DMS systems to enterprise software, including ERP, CRM, accounting systems, B2B, B2C portals, and more.

Our solutions

Custom DMS

Itransition offers custom development services to enterprises looking for unique digital document management software. We enrich our solutions with built-in workflow design tools, scalable document repositories, document editing and versioning features. Enterprises can rely on Itransition in the post-deployment period and delegate the long-term support and on-demand customization of their systems to our DMS consultants and developers.

Platform-based DMS

We build on-premises and cloud document management software on top of recognized platforms. Our engineers have the necessary skills to leverage out-of-the-box features and merge default capabilities with custom ones. We help our customers extend their platform-based systems as their businesses grow and align them with changing requirements by modifying workflows, adding new features, and improving UX and UI.

Choose the DMS that works for your business

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Electronic document management software

Our document management solutions cover all stages of document processing, facilitating everyday activities for different user groups. We augment traditional workflows with advanced technologies to add intelligent automation to the document lifecycle, minimize human effort, and reduce paper consumption.

Electronic document management software

Effortless digitizing of documents, their initial classification and distribution for further processing.

  • Automated document uploading
  • Scanning and content recognition
  • Metadata input
  • Document quality management
  • Document routing to internal storages

Manageable document cycles with well-defined user roles and completely transparent document circulation.

  • Workflow-based document cycles
  • Manageable document statuses
  • Digital signature
  • Document versioning and history
  • Workflow monitoring

Extendable depots for continuous document reuse, review and update coupled with dedicated workflows for long-term document maintenance.

  • Structured document repositories
  • Enterprise, team and personal libraries
  • Automated document archiving
  • Triggers and notifications for document review
  • Utilization and recovery

Quick identification of documents and their content across storages in all deployments.

  • Metadata-based search
  • Document indexing
  • Expanded built-in filters
  • Search results ranked according to document relevancy
  • Hybrid search results across on-premises and cloud libraries

Enterprise and team collaboration on various documents. Document management integrated into collaboration tools.

  • Coauthoring and coediting
  • Commenting
  • Discussion boards
  • Collaboration areas with integrated document libraries
  • Document-centric collaboration with vendors, partners, and customers

Protected document use compliant with industry standards and regulations regarding data processing and sharing.

  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Role-based user access
  • Data encryption
  • Data leak policies
  • Secure internal and external sharing

We enable users to effectively manage documents on their mobile devices with or without internet access. We adapt document management web applications to be used on smartphones and tablets as well as design standalone Android and iOS mobile apps. We equip our solutions with mobile security and monitoring features to support safe operation of mobile DMSs.

  • Autosync with desktop apps
  • Batch document distribution
  • Mobile search
  • Mobile document templates
  • Document scanning with a mobile camera
  • In-app document creation, editing and sharing
  • Direct document uploading and downloading from third-party sources
  • Mobile document preview

Enable device-agnostic document management across all of your deployments

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Enterprise document management software

Providing document management software development, Itransition automates and optimizes document flows across various business domains. Financial and legal documents, customer agreements, products catalogs, marketing reports, and sales contracts are just a few examples of the documents that our systems are capable of supporting.

Finance & accounting

Itransition automates document management processes that make part of everyday accounting and financial workflows. We pay special attention to the protection of financial data through strict access rights and document sharing policies.
  • Contracting and billing
  • Document review and signing
  • Financial report scheduling and distribution
  • Financial audit automation

Supply chain management

DMS solutions delivered by Itransition comprise full-cycle management of supply chain documentation and thus accelerate workflows throughout enterprise resource planning phases. Our solutions contain features for productive work with:
  • Supply contracts
  • NDAs and SLAs
  • Vendor listings
  • Product catalogs

Sales & marketing

Itransition delivers DMS software to support marketing and sales professionals and increase their productivity through faster processing of deals and customer requests as well as through improved teamwork.
  • CRM-integrated document repositories and workspaces
  • Customer surveys and polls
  • Monthly and annual reports
  • Collateral materials


Itransition implements DMS systems at companies specialized in engineering services or management of engineering teams. We deliver solutions able to process heavy documents full of graphic content and complex calculations.
  • CAD software integration for CAD documents review and approval
  • Drawings, plots, and schemes
  • Tender documentation
  • Cost estimations

Human resource management

Our team provides HR departments with tools necessary for structured and controllable work with HR records and documents. Our solutions help HR specialists spend less time on paperwork and thus dedicate more time to human-to-human interactions.
  • Candidate information processing
  • Personal profiles and work contracts
  • Employee assessment
  • Business trips, sick and maternity leaves documentation lifecycle