Education analytics

Education analytics

Full-cycle education analytics services

Combining its multidisciplinary expertise in EdTech, big data, and data management, Itransition provides a full array of consulting and development services to help your organization implement education analytics solutions that will turn your data assets into value for your learners and business.

Data strategy consulting
Data strategy consulting

We frame your educational requirements to orchestrate a data analytics solution that matches your needs. We also select impactful use cases and identify suitable data sources, including activity records and user profile information from LMSs and other eLearning software.

We set up ETL pipelines to harvest raw data, transform it into a proper storage format, and load it into data storages, be it warehouses or data lakes. We can re-engineer datasets through feature selection and data cleansing to prepare them for processing and analysis.

Data modeling
Data modeling

We process datasets with statistical and ML-based algorithms to identify recurring patterns among variables, build data models portraying these correlations, and leverage such models to shed light on the dynamics underlying education-related trends and phenomena.

Analytical dashboards
Analytical dashboards

We design and develop education analytics software applications fuelled with trained data models and equipped with intuitive user interfaces and data visualization features to extract meaningful business insights from your data and improve your educational services.

Discuss your education analytics project with our EdTech consultants

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Education analytics: top use cases

Here are some of the most impactful ways to leverage Itransition’s education analytics expertise in terms of student experience, service administration, and staff empowerment.

Learning experience

  • Assess student experience and engagement through sentiment and feedback analysis.
  • Probe student progress and outcomes to provide personalized learning paths and didactic materials.
  • Observe student interaction with educational apps to adapt training activities and quizzes in real time.
  • Examine learner preferences to power smart search engines facilitating content access and consumption.

Educational service management

  • Evaluate and optimize your learning programs by scanning student performance.
  • Segment your users based on their learning patterns to target them with bespoke content recommendations.
  • Examine learning content usage to fine-tune its authoring, targeting and delivery.
  • Spot low-achieving students at risk of dropping out to support them with targeted initiatives.

Workforce development

  • Highlight the current state of your staff’s expertise and gaps to set up proper upskilling plans.
  • Analyze newcomers' skillsets and job experience to speed up onboarding with tailored mentoring programs.
  • Keep track of corporate training expenses to optimize your budget planning.
  • Monitor and forecast the ROI of your training initiatives to identify the most impactful programs.

Key payoffs for every learning scenario

Itransition’s analytics solutions can be a valuable technological asset in any educational environment, be it online learning, professional training, or conventional teaching.

Education analytics key payoffs

We complement eLearning platforms and apps with powerful analytics tools to deliver a fully customized learning experience and enhance eLearning products’ profitability.

  • Adaptive learning implementation
  • Learner performance and outcomes tracking
  • Targeted content recommendations

We develop education analytics software for assessing workforce performance and skillsets to fine-tune training programs, streamlining staff onboarding and upskilling.

  • Training budgeting and ROI evaluation
  • Customized staff empowerment programs
  • Workforce onboarding and retention

We provide schools and universities with data analytics solutions to improve their programs and facilitate the administration and delivery of their educational services.

  • Course planning and optimization
  • Local vs national comparative analysis
  • Student dropout monitoring and mitigation

Get these payoffs with our EdTech solutions

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Building an integrated EdTech ecosystem

Itransition can configure API layers to integrate your education analytics solution with additional eLearning applications, enabling synergistic data exchange among your platforms and creating a symbiotic, all-encompassing eLearning ecosystem.

eLearning portals

This combination enables your analytics tool to scan portal users' activity and provide them with tailored content recommendations based on their interests and attitudes, enhancing their learning experience along with your educational services' profitability.

Learning CMS

Learning CMS

We interconnect your learning CMS and education analytics platform to track lesson completion rates, content page views, access per devices, and other content usage parameters, ensuring the optimization and efficient sharing of your learning resources.

Education analytics development cornerstones

These are the best practices we follow to ensure smooth education analytics software development. Rely on Itransition’s experience in EdTech and big data consulting to implement your solution in the safest way.

Data democratization

Itransition creates education analytics systems designed to foster data democratization, allowing your users to easily access data through intuitive data querying features, visual dashboards, and other user-friendly tools.

Data governance

Our consultants can help you implement efficient data governance policies along with data cataloging and mapping tools to supervise how your data assets are managed and shared across your organization.

Compliance and audit

We develop data analytics platforms in strict compliance with the current data management regulations and major quality standards of the education sector, including GDPR, xAPI, and LTI.


We equip Itransition's analytics solutions with effective cyber defenses to protect your software from breaches and data losses, including encryption and authentication features, data backup systems, and more.

Corporate learning portal for PayPal

Case study

Corporate learning portal for PayPal

This is how Itransition delivered a platform-based new hire training portal for PayPal, helping to reduce the learning curve for newcomers.

Real-time big data analytics: use cases and implementation options


Real-time big data analytics: use cases and implementation options

Take a look at our overview of the top use cases, benefits and implementation scenarios of real-time big data analytics.

Custom conference management software for an educational society

Case study

Custom conference management software for an educational society

Learn how Itransition delivered a suite of custom conference management software and enriched it with bespoke modules automating event organization.

A furniture manufacturing software suite

Case study

A furniture manufacturing software suite

Read the story behind Itransition’s 5-year collaboration with a leading UK furniture manufacturer on web, mobile and VR solutions.

Corporate communication portal

Case study

Corporate communication portal

An online platform for a global automobile manufacturer automating and speeding up vehicle selection and contracting operations.

Job search app testing and web development for a US university

Case study

Job search app testing and web development for a US university

Read this case study about Itransition’s project for a US university research center to deliver job search app testing and two custom web portals.