Application migration

Application migration

An application migration partner to solve your challenges

Itransition migrates software applications of any complexity to the computing environment of your choice, be that an on-premises or cloud infrastructure, with no downtime and data losses. Facing serious problems with their applications, enterprises typically believe that adopting new software is their only option. But as an experienced software engineering company, we know that application migration can prove an effective and less expensive solution to such challenges as:

Reduce maintenance costs
Switch to a managed environment with a more granular pricing plan and reduce financial and labor investments.
Scale up easily
Move to an infrastructure powerful enough to sustain your evolving workload and growth.
Meet customer expectations
Shift towards a more agile and flexible system and become able to create next-level customer experiences.
Make room for modernization
Pivot to an innovation-friendly environment and capitalize on automation and advanced technologies.

Ready to migrate your application?

Itransition will guide you

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Application migration paths

We move your apps and associated data from its on-premises environment to the cloud in a lift-and-shift approach as is, without any modifications.
If your software is incompatible with the target environment, we help you decommission your legacy applications and shift to the same or similar product with a different licensing type.
When you choose to get rid of legacy applications, we assist you with its smooth decommissioning to prevent disruptions.
We carry out application migration to the cloud and make necessary optimizations to its code or architecture to ensure its proper functioning in the new environment.
We rewrite large parts of your legacy apps to adapt them to the new environment and emerging business needs and then perform application migration to the infrastructure of your choice.
If you want to pursue a hybrid cloud strategy or are unprepared to migrate applications fully, we help you figure out a suitable arrangement, migrate the selected services, and configure the app to function properly.

Application migration to the cloud: deployment models

Cloud applications migration is aimed at moving software to a cloud environment to improve its agility and overall business resilience. When opting for cloud application migration, companies can choose between four common deployment models, each with its benefits and limitations:

Public cloud

You move your app to a cloud environment shared between multiple users and managed by the vendor.
Public cloud benefits:
  • Pay-per-use pricing
  • No hardware and infrastructure maintenance
  • On-demand scalability
Public cloud limitations:
  • Vendor lock-in
  • One-size-fits-all services
  • Lack of control

Private cloud

You migrate apps to a cloud computing environment dedicated exclusively to your organization.
Private cloud benefits:
  • No compatibility issues
  • Greater control over resources
  • Improved security
Private cloud limitations:
  • High costs
  • In-house maintenance
  • Limited scalability

Hybrid cloud

You decide what application components to shift to the cloud and what critical processes and data to keep on premises.
Hybrid cloud benefits:
  • Environment tailored to business needs
  • Enhanced data security
  • Low downtime risks
Hybrid cloud limitations:
  • Technically demanding setup
  • Complex maintenance
  • Compatibility issues


You deploy your applications on several public clouds from the same or different providers.
Multicloud benefits:
  • Using the best of multiple cloud services
  • Cost and performance optimization
  • Low vendor lock-in risks
Multicloud limitations:
  • Complicated management
  • Security risks
  • Compliance concerns

Top cloud platforms for migration

Cloud providers today offer all types of deployment models, so large enterprises and SMBs alike turn to third-party companies for their cloud infrastructure and resources. AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud top the list of leading cloud computing platforms, this is why we have been working with them for many years and recommend them for cloud deployment. Here is how we can assist with application migration to each of them:

  • 81+ availability zones
  • SaaS, PaaS, IaaS services models
  • Pay-as-you go monthly fees
  • Best fit for large-scale applications

We are a Certified Amazon Consulting Partner ready to move your apps and workload to the AWS stack using native migration tools. Our team can perform necessary configurations of the software, rebuild its architecture into cloud-native microservices or a serverless one, and transform the legacy infrastructure into Infrastructure as Code. Additionally, we can integrate apps with native or third-party cloud services and IoT devices.

  • 60+ availability zones
  • SaaS, PaaS, IaaS services models
  • Pay-as-you go pricing, reserved and spot instances
  • Best fit for compliance-heavy apps

A Golden Microsoft Azure Partner since 2008, Itransition is qualified to perform application migration to Azure, carry out necessary pre- and post-migration configurations or fully rebuild the software, and integrate it with other Microsoft tools in your ecosystem. Our consultants can also help you unlock the capabilities of an Azure-based environment, including DevOps tools, IoT, AI and machine learning, and business intelligence.

  • 73+ availability zones
  • SaaS, PaaS, IaaS services models
  • Subscription-based, user-based, and combined pricing
  • Best fit for software requiring containerization

Our experienced cloud engineers move your legacy applications and their data to the Google Cloud, taking care of all the migration aspects and ensuring minimal disruption. On request, we can implement microservices or serverless architectures using native Google Cloud tools, or revamp the solution into Infrastructure as Code. We can also help you get the most out of Google's machine learning, IoT, and big data products.

Our cloud migration project highlights

BI system cloud migration


higher system throughput

For an automotive BI systems provider, we moved a BI portal to an SaaS environment and redeveloped its legacy architecture into a microservices-based one, creating a powerful and secure environment.

Jira and Confluence cloud migration


cost savings

Jira and Confluence cloud migration

We moved on-premises Jira and Confluence server instances to the cloud for a global fintech provider, which resulted in significant TCO reduction as well as security and functionality improvements.

Long-term cloud migration benefits to keep in mind

TCO savings can be achieved through app cloud migration.


of companies experience better IT security in the cloud.


of carbon emissions can be reduced due to cloud migration.


Get your application migration consultation

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Our application migration services

Migration consulting

Collaborating with your IT team and project stakeholders, our consultants will create a solid foundation for successful app migration. We help determine the project’s requirements, scope, and strategy, choose the target environment and migration tools, and estimate the migration timeline.

End-to-end migration

Itransition is well-equipped to carry out your app migration project all the way through with minimal disruptions and data security risks. We will set up a team to cover all application migration aspects, from planning and preparation to legacy application optimization and migration to all-around testing and post-migration support.

Our application migration framework


Project discovery

Application audit

Current environment inventory

App security and compliance assessment

Dependencies mapping

Requirements gathering


Data migration

Migration approach and tools selection

Target environment selection and setup

Data preparation and ETL

Customizations and configurations

Data integrity validation



Architecture redesign

Source code refactoring

New features development


Application migration

Downtime scheduling

Software migration

APIs and dependent applications migration

System configuration and/or customization

Legacy application retiring


Testing and release

Functional testing

Security testing

Integration testing

Acceptance testing

Application deployment


Delivery and support

Migration reporting

Documentation and user guide creation

User onboarding

On-demand continuous support

Get expert help with application migration

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More services to consider

Application modernization

Application modernization

We offer to give your legacy apps a new lease of life through architecture revamp, custom feature and integration development, and user interface redesign.

Maintenance and support

Our in-house support engineers are ready to keep your apps fully operable and secure in the long run, fixing occurring issues and performing necessary configurations.

Cyber security consulting

Our security consultants help keep your applications, IT infrastructure, and network protected by setting up powerful security controls, performing security testing, and preventing security incidents.

Enterprise application integration

We integrate your enterprise software with internal, third-party and cloud apps through ready-made connectors or custom-built integration solutions.

Managed IT services

We offer to take on your company’s IT-related responsibilities and perform a range of day-to-day infrastructure and apps management tasks.

Data management

Data management

We offer a full cycle of data management services as well as standalone data solutions to help you turn your corporate data into a source of valuable business insights.

Apps migration risks we mitigate

Potential problems

Our solution

Data loss
Data loss

We meticulously prepare the migrated files to prevent corruption or conflicts and back them up in a separate storage.

Unplanned downtime
Unplanned downtime

We run a mock migration beforehand to estimate the time it will take and uncover and fix issues that may stall the migration progress.

Unexpected costs
Unexpected costs

We carefully calculate your apps migration budget, factoring in all necessary expenses and making sure you pay only for the services you need.

Introduced vulnerabilities
Introduced vulnerabilities

We build access management policies and component-level security into the new environment and encrypt data in storage and transfer.

A data migration strategy in six steps


A data migration strategy in six steps

In this article, we explore why a data migration strategy is a must and how to set it up in six steps.

Shipping automation software migration to the cloud

Case study

Shipping automation software migration to the cloud

Read our case study of migrating an international provider’s legacy shipping automation software to the cloud, helping them enter the SaaS market.

Atlassian migration for IATA

Case study

Atlassian migration for IATA

Find out how Itransition implemented Jira Service Desk Cloud and migrated legacy data to it for IATA, an aerospace trade association.

Email archive migration solution

Case study

Email archive migration solution

Read how Itransition delivered data migration services for the client’s Windows-based email archive content migration tool.