AI in social media: use cases,
top tools & adoption challenges

AI in social media: use cases, top tools & adoption challenges

February 13, 2024

AI use cases in social media

In recent years, AI's influence on social media and social networks has become so pervasive that it majorly defines the way we interact, enjoy content, and do business in virtual communities.

Recommendation systems

Any major social media platform currently integrates ML-based recommendation systems to segment users based on their profile data and behavioral patterns (shares, likes, comments, purchase and browsing history, etc.) and target them with personalized content suggestions. Such systems help users navigate an unlimited offer of digital resources, products, and services by offering them content they’re most likely to engage with.

Provide a tailored user experience and boost engagement

Smart search engines

Unlike traditional search engines matching entered keywords with a certain profile, channel, or post, AI-powered systems can interpret incorrect or incomplete user input, such as misspelled names or concepts related to the searched content based on contextual parameters. These can include common synonyms, search trends, or user browsing habits, similar to Google Search's autocomplete feature.

Improve browsing for higher user satisfaction

Social media intelligence

While ML’s pattern recognition and user segmentation capabilities certainly help optimize organic content delivery, they’re also used by marketing and sales specialists to interpret market trends and improve advertising management. Social media intelligence systems can analyze written content via natural language processing to monitor trending topics or assess user sentiment, namely the public’s perception of certain brands or subjects. They can also be used to fine-tune social media marketing campaigns to enable targeted advertising based on user interests and behavior.

Generate more conversions and drive sales

Influencer marketing

Given the growing role of influencers as market trend drivers and sales catalysts, marketers need to identify the most suitable content creators and build fruitful collaborations. Modern social media management tools often include influencer marketing features to identify, typically via ML-based analytics, potential candidates who align with specific brands’ values and can promote their products effectively. Parameters to consider include, for instance, influencers’ expertise, post reach, and user base demographics.

Maximize the ROI of your marketing strategies and boost brand reputation

Chatbots & virtual assistants

The growing importance of social media platforms in digital marketing and sales has also increased the number of customer interactions taking place in their instant messaging applications. To handle this growing interaction volume, various platforms have implemented AI-powered bots with advanced NLP capabilities that allow businesses to communicate with customers around the clock.

Offer 24/7 customer support and reduce long-term labor costs

Image & video analysis

Social media platforms are massive pools of visual data. Dedicated AI-based computer vision systems can sift through millions of images and videos on social media to extract valuable insights. For instance, social media marketing-oriented data analytics and BI platforms use computer vision for logo detection to monitor brand mentions and awareness. The same technology can be applied to contextual shopping, which enables users to purchase products appearing in multimedia content directly from the social media platform. Furthermore, AI can automate photo and video tagging for easier content discovery.

Improve brand management and facilitate visual content search

Content generation

Capable of creating complex multimedia content from simple textual instructions (so-called prompts), generative AI has become a staple tool of most social media specialists. Solutions such as GPT, DALL-E, and other AI models enable content creators and media professionals to generate posts, comments, or articles and publish them on multiple platforms faster than ever to enhance social media engagement.

Speed up content authoring and delivery

Posting strategy creation

Maintaining an effective and consistent social media strategy across multiple channels is a challenging and labor-intensive task. AI-assisted social media schedulers can help by automating content publishing and reposting while recommending the most suitable publication timing, hashtags, and links depending on your target audience.

Reduce manual efforts and maximize post reach and engagement

Content moderation

AI-powered moderation systems complement human fact-checkers, professional moderators, and reports by users to detect and filter out harmful content more effectively. These tools can scan visual information via computer vision to identify graphic images or monitor comments and posts with NLP to spot hate speech, fake news, spam, and cyberbullying.

Ensure a safer environment for social media platform users

Content translation

Social media users could interact with an increasingly diverse audience and access a growing pool of content if not for language barriers. Many social media platforms have addressed this issue by implementing NLP-based machine translation features to deliver content in multiple languages.

Improve content accessibility and promote global communication to extend your target audience

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Examples of AI adoption in social media platforms

LinkedIn’s recommendation engine

LinkedIn uses an ML-based recommender system to provide job recommendations, suggest potential connections, show the most relevant posts at the top of each user's newsfeed, and offer online courses on its eLearning platform. It can also rank suitable candidates for an open position based on their expertise and location.
Profile dataActivity dataCourse metadataRecommendation
engineLearner course recommendationsOfflineOnline
end pointModel
(A/B testing)BlendingKey-value storeOnline

Scheme title: LinkedIn Learning's course recommendation system
Data source: — A closer look at the AI behind course recommendations on LinkedIn Learning

YouTube’s automatic captions

YouTube helps content creators reach a wider audience through its automatic captioning system. This feature relies on ML-based speech recognition to generate captions for long-form videos and Shorts in over a dozen languages. Real-time captions for live streams are currently available in English.

Facebook’s abusive account detection

In 2020, Meta implemented Deep Entity Classification (DEC), an ML framework to detect malicious Facebook accounts. Rather than focusing on individual accounts, the system examines the behavioral features of their neighbors in the same social structure, such as their friends. This led to a 27% reduction in abusive accounts beyond traditional methods.

Video title: DEC’s pattern recognition to identify abusive accounts
Video source:

Top AI-based tools for social media management

Nowadays, social media managers and marketing specialists can choose from an extensive offering of AI-powered software. Here are some well-known solutions available on the market, selected by popularity and user feedback on peer-to-peer review sites.

Canva is one of the most popular graphic design platforms for the social media sphere. What’s more, its scope has progressively expanded with a set of AI-based tools for visual and textual content creation.

Key AI features
  • Design generation tool to turn simple images into social media graphics with the required headline and font
  • OpenAI-powered content generation to create or edit copy, social bios, and captions tailored to your brand's voice
  • Presentations feature to generate slides based on simple prompts
  • Video editing system that can combine images and clips into short videos and recommend suitable soundtracks
  • Content planner to create and schedule social media posts
  • Free basic plan
  • Pro plan: $119.99 per person per year
  • Teams plan starting from $300 per year for groups of five
  • 30-day free trial
  • Not suitable for professional graphic designers requiring a more advanced and comprehensive tool
G2 rating
  • 4.7 out of 5 (4,400+ reviews)

Sprout Social is a comprehensive suite of social media management and analytics solutions. It provides social media specialists with various AI-powered features to streamline publishing workflows, derive consumer insights, and better connect with the audience.

Key AI features
  • ML-based data analytics to monitor user data from Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest
  • Business intelligence features to track tag volume and social growth, ad campaigns' effectiveness, and competitor performance
  • Advanced reporting and data visualization features to easily interpret social media trends
  • ViralPost tool to maximize social media reach and user engagement via automated, data-driven post scheduling
  • Standard plan: $249/month for 1 user + $199 for each additional user
  • Professional plan: $399/month for 1 user + $299 for each additional user
  • Advanced plan: $399/month for 1 user + $349 for each additional user
  • Custom enterprise plan upon request
  • 30-day free trial
  • Expensive premium plans which can easily mount up as the number of users grows
G2 rating
  • 4.4 out of 5 (2,600+ reviews)

Hootsuite is a long-standing social media management platform featuring advanced AI capabilities for content creation, social commerce, and analytics. These tools help professionals launch ad campaigns, schedule posts, and track customer conversations across multiple social networks.

Key AI features
  • Heyday social shopping chatbot powered by conversational AI to answer customers' messages and recommend products
  • OwlyWriter AI tool to generate social media captions or lists of content ideas and repurpose texts
  • Engagement-oriented tools enabling automated hashtag generation and smart post scheduling
  • Social media analytics to calculate paid and organic traffic and the ROI of your marketing initiatives
  • Social listening capabilities to track relevant keywords, hashtags, or mentions and assess brand reputation
  • Professional plan: $99/month for 1 user
  • Team plan: $249/month for 3 users
  • Enterprise custom plan: price upon request
  • 30-day free trial
  • Reported issues with the scheduling tool
G2 rating
  • 4.1 out of 5 (4,000+ reviews)

Zoho's extensive offering includes over 40 cloud-based software products for businesses. Its specialized service for social media management, namely Zoho Social, was recently enhanced with Zia, a ChatGPT-based tool to improve content quality and publishing efficiency.

Key AI features
  • Mentions monitoring feature to track relevant social conversations
  • Generative AI to create, proofread, and format social media content based on your prompts
  • Automated generation of responses to social media comments and messages for faster customer interactions
  • Smart scheduling system to publish posts or retweets in the most suitable time slots
  • Social media analytics tool with rich dashboards to monitor brand performance and user demographics
  • Standard plan: $10/month for 1 user billed annually or $15 billed monthly
  • Professional plan: $30/month for 1 user billed annually or $40 billed monthly
  • Premium plan: $40/month for 3 users billed annually or $65 billed monthly
  • Limited content editing capabilities on specific social media platforms
G2 rating
  • 4.6 out of 5 (2,500+ reviews)

As its name suggests, Reputation can monitor social media sentiment to gauge consumer opinion about your brand. With its focus on data analytics, this platform enables social media managers and marketers to turn implicit or explicit consumer feedback into business insights via NLP and deep learning.

Key AI features
  • Score X tool to calculate online reputation based on social engagement, reviews’ volume and length, and search results
  • Competitive benchmarking to help multi-location businesses compare their local reputation to that of other local competitors
  • Customer conversation management system to automate responses across multiple social media channels, including user reviews, comments, and chats
  • In-built scheduling capabilities to automate social media publishing based on optimal posting times
  • Price upon request
  • Customized demo available upon request
  • Difficult to navigate due to its overwhelming amount of options
G2 rating
  • 4.5 out of 5 (1,700+ reviews)

Meltwater is a pioneering all-in-one SaaS solution for online media monitoring. For over 20 years, it's been providing marketing and communications professionals with an integrated toolset covering social listening, consumer intelligence, and social media management.

Key AI features
  • NLP-powered topic detection and sentiment analysis to monitor brand equity and relevant social media metrics or trends
  • Computer vision-based logo detection in social media content to track mentions and engagement and facilitate brand management
  • Influencer marketing platform to identify individuals matching your brand identity and track the ROI of your influencer collaboration campaigns
  • AI writing assistant based on GPT-3 for automated generation of social media posts and responses
  • Price and demo upon request
  • Four plans ranging in functional scope: Essentials, Advanced, Suite, Enterprise
  • Relatively complex and pricey compared to some alternatives
G2 rating
  • 4.0 out of 5 (1,500+ reviews)

Our AI services

Itransition provides comprehensive AI services and solutions to help businesses across industries optimize their social media strategies and marketing initiatives.

Our AI services

We offer expert guidance in implementing AI-based solutions and overcoming potential project challenges.

  • Evaluate your corporate goals, business processes, and current tech ecosystem
  • Define the solution’s functional and non-functional requirements
  • Assist with data requirements definition, data mapping, and data quality assessment
  • Design the architecture of your software
  • Identify the tech stack, including algorithms and AI/ML services
  • Set up a development roadmap covering key stages like PoC, MVP, and full-fledged product releases
  • Establish an AI deployment strategy and select a suitable hosting environment
  • Create a maintenance plan and continuous improvement strategy

We build solutions powered by AI algorithms and trained on large and reliable data sets to ensure their optimal performance.

  • Prepare ETL pipelines to gather data from multiple sources and consolidate it in a centralized repository
  • Execute data pre-processing, including data cleansing, annotation, and transformation
  • Train one or more AI models and integrate the one producing the desired output into the solution
  • Equip the AI solution with a variety of security features to protect your data assets
  • Integrate the solution with third-party software and corporate systems
  • Perform end-to-end testing combining test automation tools and manual reviews
  • After deployment, enhance the solution over time via model retraining and additional features

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Challenges & tips for adopting AI in social media



AI reliability & bias

AI algorithms and their models are far from 100% accurate and can feature biases. In the social media sphere, this can result in unfair content moderation, such as incorrect YouTube video takedowns. 

When prioritizing certain parameters over others, biases can also lead to prejudicial content recommendations. For instance, according to the WSJ’s Facebook Files, Facebook’s algorithm has been promoting controversial content to boost engagement, spreading misinformation and creating a toxic virtual environment.

The well-known “black-box” nature of AI (no one fully understands how algorithms reach a certain conclusion) raises questions about the transparency and explainability of the decision-making process.

AI algorithms and their models are far from 100% accurate and can feature biases. In the social media sphere, this can result in unfair content moderation, such as incorrect YouTube video takedowns. 

When prioritizing certain parameters over others, biases can also lead to prejudicial content recommendations. For instance, according to the WSJ’s Facebook Files, Facebook’s algorithm has been promoting controversial content to boost engagement, spreading misinformation and creating a toxic virtual environment.

The well-known “black-box” nature of AI (no one fully understands how algorithms reach a certain conclusion) raises questions about the transparency and explainability of the decision-making process.

AI systems’ performance depends on the quality of training data. Careful data mapping, integration, preparation, and feature selection can help create reliable, diversified training sets that represent social media’s user base. Fairness-aware machine learning techniques can mitigate algorithmic bias. These include, for instance, reweighing, a pre-processing technique that assigns different weights to each data set point, altering the relevance of protected attributes. AI model performance typically degrades over time because of progressive changes in input variables and their relationships. You can address this phenomenon, called model drift, through integration of special metrics and multiple retraining iterations with new data. Some of the best-performing algorithms, including deep neural networks, are also the least explainable due to their sprawling architectures. Their usage should be approached with due care and limited to specific tasks. AI systems work best in combination with human supervision. For instance, AI-based content moderation should be complemented by effective reporting and appeal mechanisms to provide human feedback.

Privacy, security & ethics

Social media’s intrusive access to vast amounts of user information, together with AI’s notorious hunger for data, is raising concerns about data privacy and security among policymakers and the public. Numerous institutions have questioned social media's ethical standards in terms of data usage. The infamous Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, for example, proved how personal data could be weaponized by insidious powers.

Social media’s intrusive access to vast amounts of user information, together with AI’s notorious hunger for data, is raising concerns about data privacy and security among policymakers and the public. Numerous institutions have questioned social media's ethical standards in terms of data usage. The infamous Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, for example, proved how personal data could be weaponized by insidious powers.

Any social media platform or social media management and marketing software should operate in strict compliance with major data management standards and applicable legislation. They should also implement solid security features, including multi-factor authentication, to mitigate cyber risk exposure. Social media service providers should be transparent about how personal data is handled, allowing users to control their data privacy settings or even opt out of data collection via consent management features. Data masking and anonymization techniques can obscure or remove sensitive and confidential details from user data, offering a reasonable compromise between privacy and the need to train AI models for analytical purposes.

AI & social media data: a perfect match?

The combination of AI's data-driven nature and social media's boundless pool of personal information has proven to be highly beneficial for both users and platforms. We can say that most of social media's success in connecting people, digital content, and brands comes from this union. At the same time, such a symbiosis has generated several controversial issues, showing how AI technology is prone to be abused when implemented improperly. To maximize the benefits of AI for your business and customers while overcoming potential adoption challenges, you can turn to Itransition's developers and consultants.

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