Internet of things software development

Internet of things software development

IoT development services we offer

IoT development services we offer

Our consultants will help shape your vision into a viable IoT implementation strategy and build a project roadmap aligned with your preferred IoT use case and business goals, minimizing time-to-market and ensuring it fits your budget.

We deliver robust web solutions and mobile applications for iOS and Android that enable companies to easily access and manage their IoT ecosystem. Our team designs all-encompassing IoT hubs for businesses to efficiently handle their network of interconnected smart devices from a single control point.

Itransition builds solid IoT backend architectures for the stable performance of IoT applications and uses custom or industry-specific protocols and end-to-end data encryption to ensure seamless communication between IoT devices and the platform.

We can augment your existing IT ecosystem with IoT solutions, turning multiple heterogeneous devices and gadgets into helpful assets that gather valuable data and then turn it into powerful insights.

Our IoT developers expertly harness the full potential of AI and machine learning capabilities to provide customers with powerful custom or platform-based analytics solutions and dashboards that derive actionable insights from IoT-generated data.

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Itransition as an IoT development company

25+ years providing IT consulting and software development services

Featured in E R&D Services 2022 report by Zinnov Zones

1600+ successfully completed projects

800+ satisfied customers worldwide

Long-standing Microsoft and AWS partners

Strict compliance with FDA, HIPAA, GDPR, and other standards

Client spotlight

Here are some of our most prominent Internet of Things development and implementation cases.

Clinical data exchange PoC


new clients

Itransition helped develop a PoC of a clinical exchange data application that allows ambulance doctors to automatically fill patient data, including received results from ECG devices, into the information form during the examination.

Medical equipment management software


blood centers use the solution

Over 10+ years of collaboration, Itransition developed seven versions of a medical equipment system that helps blood centers gather and manage data from multiple devices related to blood collection, processing, and storage.

Asthma monitoring software suite


health monitoring solution

The Itransition team developed mobile and web apps that gather data from multiple medical devices and help patients self-manage their respiratory diseases. We also complemented the solution with a platform for clinicians to provide better care based on the collected data.

Clinical data exchange PoC


new clients

Itransition helped develop a PoC of a clinical exchange data application that allows ambulance doctors to automatically fill patient data, including received results from ECG devices, into the information form during the examination.

Medical equipment management software


blood centers use the solution

Over 10+ years of collaboration, Itransition developed seven versions of a medical equipment system that helps blood centers gather and manage data from multiple devices related to blood collection, processing, and storage.

Asthma monitoring software suite


health monitoring solution

The Itransition team developed mobile and web apps that gather data from multiple medical devices and help patients self-manage their respiratory diseases. We also complemented the solution with a platform for clinicians to provide better care based on the collected data.

Clinical data exchange PoC


new clients

Itransition helped develop a PoC of a clinical exchange data application that allows ambulance doctors to automatically fill patient data, including received results from ECG devices, into the information form during the examination.

Medical equipment management software


blood centers use the solution

Over 10+ years of collaboration, Itransition developed seven versions of a medical equipment system that helps blood centers gather and manage data from multiple devices related to blood collection, processing, and storage.

Asthma monitoring software suite


health monitoring solution

The Itransition team developed mobile and web apps that gather data from multiple medical devices and help patients self-manage their respiratory diseases. We also complemented the solution with a platform for clinicians to provide better care based on the collected data.

IoT development for your industry

Itransition builds robust industrial IoT systems, enabling factories to gain control over each production phase, streamline asset management, and improve safety and work conditions for staff.

  • Industrial robots
  • Connected production lines
  • Worker wearables
  • Digital twins
  • Environment sensors

Itransition can equip your healthcare facility with an advanced IoT ecosystem of connected smart devices and sensors, allowing healthcare professionals to remotely monitor and manage patient care, access patient information, and enable more precise diagnosis and treatment.

  • Remote and in-hospital patient monitoring
  • Ingestible sensors
  • Medical facility environment monitoring
  • Smart inhalers
  • Hospital asset and staff location tracking
  • Smart insulin pumps
  • Smart hospital appliances (e.g., smart beds)
  • Patient wearables


Itransition creates advanced IoT systems that enable effective predictive maintenance and allow car manufacturers to improve vehicle quality control. We also build vehicle IoT ecosystems for connected car technology. 

  • Connected cars
  • Tracking systems
  • Telematics devices
  • Advanced driver assistance systems
  • In-vehicle infotainment systems
  • Production line automation solutions
  • Onboard diagnostics devices (OBD)

Oil & Gas

We develop advanced IoT systems that help oil and gas companies have real-time visibility into exploration processes, environmental conditions, and staff safety.

  • Fleet management
  • Equipment predictive maintenance
  • Seismic exploration sensors
  • Remote pipeline management solutions
  • Smart tanks and pumping systems
Oil and gas

Itransition can assist telecom companies with building robust 5G-enabled IoT products to create B2B offerings for various industries and generate more revenue.

  • Industrial monitoring systems
  • Smart city sensors and devices
  • Fleet management solutions
  • eSIM-enabled solutions

We create integrated systems that seamlessly merge physical and digital sales channels, optimizing retail store operations from promoting customized deals on customers’ devices to tracking inventory levels.

  • Smart shelves
  • RFID scanners
  • Advanced checkout
  • Digital signage
  • Beacons


Itransition provides BFSI companies with high-quality custom IoT-enabled solutions to help personalize customer experience, increase asset and staff safety, and automate banking and financial processes.

  • Smart ATMs
  • Smart safes
  • Contactless payment solutions
  • Data analytics solutions
  • Sensor systems for bank branches


We collaborate with logistics companies to promote transparency in supply chains through sensor-embedded IoT solutions that empower both cargo owners and shipping partners to keep control of cargo location, delivery speed, and warehousing and shipping conditions.

  • Cargo tracking
  • Smart locks
  • RFID scanners
  • Connected lighting and temperature monitoring


Itransition designs custom smart farming solutions that include IoT-based devices for real-time field conditions, livestock, and weather monitoring, as well as predictive and prescriptive analytics tools and irrigation and fertilization controls.

  • Livestock monitors
  • Water supply controls
  • Climate sensors
  • Agricultural drones

Itransition helps real estate businesses and smart home providers create connected IoT solutions that improve people’s living environments and make houses smart, convenient, comfortable, and safe.

  • Smart lighting
  • Intelligent CCTV
  • Smart HVAC
  • Smart home appliances
  • Smart locks
Smart homes

Smart cities

We assist city officials and private enterprises with urban living improvement and optimization through IoT-integrated infrastructures. Connected to smart meters, sensors, lights, and other ‘things’, our solutions facilitate effective city system management backed by real-time data gathering.

  • Traffic sensors
  • Air quality monitors
  • Smart street lighting
  • Smart parking
Smart cities

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IoT software architecture

The success of a company’s IoT initiative largely depends on a properly designed IoT architecture. We carefully study your business and technical needs and requirements to develop a bespoke scalable architecture for your IoT project. Here is a sample IoT architecture representing the main modules and elements of the IoT ecosystem.

Scheme title: Generalized 5 Layer Model of an End-to-End IoT Solution - with a focus on software components
Data source: IoT Analytics — Guide to IoT Solution Development

Microsoft solution stack examplesGeneral and Microsoft Partner examples4ApplicationsVisualization
Office, Power BIBusiness system integration
Dynamics 365, BizTalk, Azure Logic AppsDevelopment environment
Visual Studio, Xamarin3Cloud ServicesStorage / database
Azure SQL, Azure DocumentDB, Azure BlobDevice management
Azure IoT HubEvent processing & basic analytics
Azure Stream Analytics, Azure HDInsight Spark/StormAdvanced analytics
Azure Machine Learning, Cortana Intelligence Suite2CommunicationConnectivity network
AT&T (M2M), SigFox (LPWAN)1DeviceMPU
Intel Atom / Core / XeonOperating system
Windows 10 IoT (incl. Azure IoT Gateway SDK)Hardware
e.g., smart vending machineSmart device¹MCU
Texas Instruments MSP430Firmware & Hardware
e.g., motion sensorSimple device³MPU
Intel Atom / Core / XeonOperating system
Windows 10 IoTHardware
e.g., edge gatewayEdge gateway²Security5Application identity & access management
Active Directory, Identity ManagerPrivacy management, data at rest
Azure Disk Encryption, Key Vault< SDLE2E encryption of data & communication
Symantec SSL, TLS, X.509 certificatesPhysical protection, firmware attestation
Intel TPM, Device Guard, Secure BootIdentity & access mgmt. is highly relevant in the Application layer, but also applicable on all other layersNote:

1  Smart Device: Enables edge analytics, time-sensitive decisions & local compute. Maximizes security, manageability, interoperability, solutions reliability and reduces bandwidth costs. In many cases, cloud enabled smart devices are equipped with a natural user interface. Note: MPU = Microprocessor.

2  Edge Gateway: May also be classed as a Smart Device.

3  Simple Device: Generates data, performs instant actions & transmits data. Typically has constrained resources, low hardware costs, basic connectivity, basic security/identity, and no/light manageability. Note: MCU = Microcontroller.

IoT development roadmap


Discovery phase

First, we dive into your industry specifics and business objectives to elicit the requirements for future IoT software. We then draw up a suitable IoT solution architecture and an elaborate IoT implementation strategy based on your unique needs.



Based on the project requirements, we carefully plan the whole IoT development journey. We choose the optimal tech stack and a suitable IoT platform, outline development team composition and schedule realistic timelines for each development stage to avoid project scope creep.


Prototype design

Our IoT experts create a prototype or an MVP of the IoT solution to gather early feedback, which can be used to validate the product’s concept, design, and functionality at early project stages.



We create the source code for the IoT solution according to the system requirements and chosen architecture. Here, we focus on developing an IoT platform, data storage, processing, analytics mechanisms, and user interface.


Integration & testing

At this stage, we integrate the developed IoT solution with the company’s existing infrastructure and third-party systems and test the solution for compliance with functional, performance, and security requirements.



After validating the solution, we deploy the system in the selected environment and ensure it works as intended.



Itransition provides continuous maintenance and support of the developed IoT solution, keeping it operational and up-to-date.

Tech stack for IoT development

To build stable and reliable software, our engineers rely on tried-and-tested IoT technologies and are proficient in third-party IoT platform integrations and microcontroller-based boards. As a leading IoT software development company, Itransition continuously runs research and development activities in the IoT field to expand our proficiency in emerging connectivity trends.

IoT prototyping
IoT prototyping
IoT platforms
IoT platforms
Backend programming languages
Backend programming languages
Mobile app development
Mobile app development
Communication protocols
Communication protocols

Need assistance with selecting the best IoT platform?

We can help

Key considerations for IoT application development

Here’s a list of aspects to emphasize during the IoT development project to ensure its successful adoption.

IoT ecosystems with multiple end-point devices significantly expand the organization's attack surface, leaving many unprotected points of access for attackers. Therefore, IoT adopters should make the security aspect their top priority from the very start by adopting a security-by-design approach. They can also hire security experts to ensure the safety of each layer of the future IoT solution.
Interoperability is a critical factor influencing smooth IoT system functioning. Thus, during IoT solution development, we suggest focusing on correct protocol utilization and translation at the physical (Bluetooth, WiFi, cellular, LPWAN, or Ethernet connection), networking (IPv4, IPv6, Modbus, Profibus or open protocol OPC-UA), and application (MQTT, AMQP, CoAP, Restful HTML, DDS protocols) layers.
A scalable IoT system should handle the growing number of IoT devices and increasing amounts of data while ensuring real-time data processing. We recommend building IoT systems with scalability in mind, employing cloud, edge, and fog computing, applying microservices architecture and data compression techniques, and utilizing scalable databases and data processing frameworks.
Data velocity
The value of an IoT product lies in its ability to process and analyze collected data and deliver data-driven insights. To ensure that IoT systems can handle large data volumes at high speeds, we advise companies, apart from switching to cloud computing, to adopt edge computing capabilities and equip data analysis tools with machine learning and artificial intelligence models.
Feasible timeline
It’s common for companies developing an IoT solution to discover at some point that they’ve seriously underestimated the project’s timelines. The reasons leading to severe time creep can be business-related or technical, and to address them, Itransition recommends planning for contingencies in case of a project hold-up and partnering with vendors with experience in business cases similar to yours.
Organizational & cultural change
Businesses often neglect the adoption of suitable change management policies addressing IoT implementation, leaving their workforce frustrated about the recently adopted technology. We suggest involving employees across all company departments in IoT adoption early on to get all business lines on the same page and help them embrace modernized work processes.

Benefits of IoT implementation

Being one of the most impactful technological advancements in recent years, IoT delivers multiple benefits to businesses of all sizes and from all industries.

Operational efficiency
Businesses can leverage data gathered by IoT devices to analyze the efficiency of ongoing business processes and workflows and take targeted actions to improve them.

Cost savings
IoT provides real-time insights into energy consumption, resource utilization, and operational inefficiency, enabling businesses to proactively address overspending and save money.

Automation & control
IoT software solutions automate data gathering tasks and provide better control over various processes, from simple lights and temperature control to equipment maintenance and warehouse inventory management.

Improved safety & security
Security IoT solutions with real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities can guarantee better safety of manufacturing equipment, enterprise assets, warehouses, and households.

Digital innovation
IoT systems innovate supply chain operations, manufacturing processes, customer experience, and other processes, fueling digital transformation.



How long does it take to develop an IoT solution?

Implementing a simple IoT solution can take up to a few weeks, whereas developing a complex IoT ecosystem can require 6 months or more. The timeframes primarily depend on software complexity, as well as the necessity to acquire regulatory approvals or certifications.

What is the average cost for IoT software development?

The pricing of an IoT software development project ranges from $10,000 for a simple solution to $200,000+ for complex enterprise-level software. The IoT software development costs depend on a wide range of factors, like complexity and customizations, platform fees, team expertise, number of integrations, and more. In case you need to estimate your IoT software development project costs, Itransition experts are ready to help you accurately define your project’s budget and timeline.

How to choose a skilled IoT development partner?

Look for a partner with extensive IoT development experience in your industry or business specifics. A skilled IoT software development services provider will establish regular and open communication and provide a detailed description of how they organize development processes. They can also prove their professional skill with certificates, compliance with global standards, and partnerships with tech global leaders like Amazon, Microsoft, or Oracle.

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